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21 Degrees Cigar Lounge Scottsdale Arizona
21 Degrees Cigar Lounge
9375 E Shea Blvd #175, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
+1 480-551-2121
21 Degrees Cigar Lounge Hours
Monday”: “10 AM-10 PM”
Tuesday: “10 AM-10 PM”
Wednesday: “10 AM-10 PM”
Thursday: “10 AM-10 PM”
Friday: “10 AM-10 PM”
Saturday: “10 AM-10 PM”
Sunday: “11 AM-6 PM”
More about 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge Scottsdale Arizona
Click here to learn moreThe 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge: A Luxurious Haven for Cigar Aficionados in Scottsdale, Arizona
Nestled in the vibrant city of Scottsdale, Arizona, the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge stands as a premier destination for cigar enthusiasts seeking a refined and luxurious atmosphere. With its extensive selection of premium cigars, top-notch service, and elegant ambiance, this local hotspot has cultivated a reputation as one of the city's go-to destinations for cigar aficionados.
A Slice of History
The 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge first opened its doors in 2005, quickly gaining recognition as a haven for cigar lovers. Over the years, it has earned a well-deserved reputation for its commitment to both quality and customer satisfaction. With its prime location in the heart of Scottsdale, this local gem attracts visitors from near and far.
Unparalleled Selection of Cigars
One of the key highlights of the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge is its wide-ranging selection of premium cigars. With a careful focus on quality and variety, they curate an impressive collection of cigars sourced from renowned manufacturers both domestically and internationally. From the rich and bold flavors of Nicaraguan cigars to the smooth and subtle notes of Dominican cigars, there is a cigar to suit every palate.
Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, the knowledgeable staff at 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge are always on hand to offer guidance and recommendations. Their passion for cigars is evident, and they are committed to helping guests explore and discover their perfect smoke.
Ambiance and Amenities
Stepping into the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge is like entering a sanctuary of refined elegance. The tastefully decorated interior, featuring plush leather furnishings and warm lighting, creates an inviting and relaxing atmosphere. Designed with the needs of cigar enthusiasts in mind, the lounge provides ample seating options, including cozy armchairs, spacious sofas, and elegant high-top tables where guests can savor their cigars.
For those seeking a more intimate experience, 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge also offers private lockers where members can store their personal cigar collections. This exclusive feature allows patrons to ensure their curated selection is always accessible and well-preserved.
A Unique Tasting Experience
In addition to its impressive cigar selection, the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge takes the tasting experience to new heights. The lounge boasts a well-stocked bar featuring an extensive list of fine spirits, including an array of whiskeys, bourbons, and specialty craft cocktails. The knowledgeable bartenders are well-versed in creating perfect pairings, ensuring that each sip and puff complements one another harmoniously.
Guests of the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge can expect a superior level of service. The attentive staff members possess a deep understanding of the nuances and intricacies of the cigar world, and they are always ready to offer recommendations for both cigars and accompanying libations.
Events and Special Occasions
21 Degrees Cigar Lounge frequently hosts exclusive events and tastings, providing an opportunity for guests to indulge in unique and memorable experiences. From cigar and whiskey tastings to live music performances, these events offer an elevated ambiance that further enhances the lounge's allure.
Whether you are looking to celebrate a special occasion or simply unwind after a long day, the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge aims to create an unforgettable experience. Their commitment to providing a sophisticated and enjoyable atmosphere sets them apart as an exceptional destination for cigar enthusiasts.
Summary and Key Takeaways
- The 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge in Scottsdale, Arizona, offers a luxurious and refined environment for cigar enthusiasts.
- The lounge boasts an extensive selection of premium cigars sourced from renowned manufacturers worldwide.
- The knowledgeable staff are dedicated to providing expert guidance and personalized recommendations.
- The elegant ambiance and comfortable seating options create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere.
- The lounge's well-stocked bar ensures a perfect pairing of fine spirits and cigars.
- Exclusive events and tastings are regularly hosted, further enhancing the lounge's appeal.
For cigar aficionados in Scottsdale and beyond, the 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge stands as an unparalleled destination. With its exceptional selection, refined atmosphere, and dedication to customer satisfaction, this local gem offers an indulgent experience that will leave a lasting impression.
People Love 21 Degrees Cigar Lounge
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About My City
Scottsdale is a city in the eastern part of Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, and is part of the Phoenix metropolitan area. Named Scottsdale in 1894 after its founder Winfield Scott, a retired U.S. Army chaplain, the city was incorporated in 1951 with a population of 2,000. At the 2020 census, the population was 241,361, which had grown from 217,385 in 2010. Its slogan is "The West's Most Western Town". Over the past two decades, it has been one of the fastest growing cities and housing markets in the United States. Scottsdale is 31 miles (50 km) from its northern to southernmost edge, and covers 184.5 square miles (478 km2). The city is bordered by the city of Phoenix to the west, Tonto National Forest to the north, the McDowell Mountains to the east, and the Salt River to the south. == History == === Early history === Scottsdale was originally a Pima village known as Vaṣai S-vaṣonĭ, meaning 'rotting hay'. Some Pima people remain there today. Until the late 1960s, there was a still-occupied traditional dwelling on the southeast corner of Indian Bend Road and Hayden Road.
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